The average house price on INGLETON STREET is £125,601
The most expensive house in the street is 48 INGLETON STREET with an estimated value of £148,472
The cheapest house in the street is 46 INGLETON STREET with an estimated value of £86,442
The house which was most recently sold was 42 INGLETON STREET, this sold on 29 Mar 2022 for £125,000
The postcode for INGLETON STREET is LS11 6DA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
42 INGLETON STREET Terraced , 131 m2 £130,492 £125,000 29 Mar 2022
46 INGLETON STREET Terraced , 130 m2 £86,442 £66,000 27 Feb 2017
48 INGLETON STREET Terraced £148,472 £95,000 26 Nov 2007
52 INGLETON STREET Terraced £136,999 £77,000 29 Mar 2006